One reason we believe
Sportlots is one of the best alternatives to ebay for selling sports cards and sports memorabilia, because you are able to save a ton of money on fees, not only do you save money by not having a final value fee, which sportlots does not charge on auctions, & listing fee, plus any additional features you may use on Ebay such as the featured auction function, which is around $20 or maybe higher now versus $1 on sportlots. AND you also save on the outreagous paypal fees associated with ebay because you are paid for each auction lot individually versus one payment from sportlots & the buyer payments are split between all the sellers a person buys from. And it is usually at least 2 or 3 different sellers if not more, so rather than the automatic 30 cents (may be higher now also) per payment plus the % of amount, you split both the 30 cents and the % with other sellers. So if there are 6 sellers you automatically take the initial 30 cents down to just 5 cents and are overall only paying about 15% of the amount you pay each time you make a sale via ebay. To put it into perspective, for ever $100 from paypal payments $15 to $50 on sportlots sales!! This alone enables us, and other sellers, to not only pass the savings on to the buyer, but also put sports cards with lower values up for auctions, which is just about impossible on Ebay without losing money!
Start buying and selling your cards today AND SAVE MONEY BOTH WAYS! Buyers save by sellers passing on the huge savings from the lower fees & buyers save, or make more, money by not incurring or drastically reducing the HIGH fees associated with Ebay & Paypal. Just click the banner below and you don't even need a credit card to sign-up and save with sportlots!!
BEST Alternative To Ebay For Selling Sports Cards & Memorabilia

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